POT WITH INSERT AND CORK, J. Grinsell & Sons, Birmingham, early 20th century

Wyjątkowy przedmiot - dzban do wina z wkładem na lód i korkiem zamykającym wylew. 

John Grinsell & Sons, (akt. 1871- ok. 1907)

Birmingham, Wielka Brytania, początek XX w. 

Szkło, plater. 

Puncowane: Kupinyn strzelający z łuku wpisany w tarczę. 

Wys. 25,5 cm.

Stan zachowania bardzo dobry.

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2 000 zł tax incl.

In the case of this cookware, it is not only the functional aspects that attract attention. Form and decoration are important. The modern shape has been supplemented with grooves covering the entire surface. They bring to mind tree bark and enhance visual and haptic impressions. The form of the pitcher may refer to the realization of the famous British designer Christopher Dresser.