+GUANYIN, polychrome wood, China / Vietnam, 18th / 19th century
China or Vietnam, 18th / 19th century
Height 37.5 cm, width 17 cm, depth 15 cm.
Condition visible in photos, good, some loss of polychrome.
The wooden sculpture represents Guanyin (Sankrit: Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara). Guanyin is a Bodhisattva personifying compassion, his name means "observing sounds", i.e. listening to requests. The wooden sculpture is covered with thick polychrome, consisting of black lacquer, primer and gold leaf. With his right hand he makes the abhaya-mudra gesture, or in Buddhist mythology the murda of "no fear" (a-bhaja), symbolizing care, and with his left hand the apana-mudra gesture symbolizing pure energy, purification, also of one's own body from toxins and impurities.